
October 11, 2011

Day3: The Final Juice with Steak
Day2: Shed 5 Fast Challenge

Yes, I said steak. No, I didn't juice it. However, I decided to cut this fast short due to my coinciding Shed5Fast Challenge. I get a bit too ambitious. I mean really, this isn't the biggest loser ranch. I'm just a mom with poor eating habits, fed up with her weight, and wanting to hurry to results. I wouldn't say I hurried my body these past few days, (not more than usual). I'm an extremist. I've learned this while observing my middle daughter who is much like me in that she's an all-or-nothing sorta gal. ♫ She get it from her mama! ♪ Let me take you through my day. I think you'll see where it all went wrong.

8:00am { On time WorkOut }
I woke up and checked in to Operation: Get my body back! (an online weight loss support group started by Lindsay Brin). I assessed today's workout and it was a killer. Instead of getting excited I stalled. I knew the clock was against me since one of my 4 kids had already woken up. Kicking and screaming, on the inside, I took my workout outside.
Today I did... my 2nd day with S5F
Tuesday at the Beginner Level:
Cardio A
1 minute of each:
1. Half speed squats: Goal: 35-40 35
2. Jumping Jack crosses: Crossing your feet one in front of the other as you jump Goal: 35-40 reps 35
3. Lateral ski: Goal: 60 reps 60
4. Side squats: Goal: 30 reps 30 
5. Mountain climbers: From the plank position alternate knees toward the belly Goal: 70-80 reps 70

 reps / minute Repeat 1-5, 4x (total=20 minutes)

Somehow I missed the reps per minute part. I ended up just doing each step 2x but completed it in 30 min. I was sweating either way but didn't cry. I'll write more about there another time.

11:00am { Fasting off to a Slow Start }
I decided it would be a whole lot easier to juice everything all at once, then I'd only have to clean my juicer once for the entire day (that part is so tedious). I prepared my fruits and veggies and midway through juicing I noticed I was short 2 servings. We'd run out of spinach the day before and I wanted to do more vegs than fruit. So I grabbed a bit more apples and some summer squash, bleh! I forced a few sips and stuck it in the fridge.

Sweet Red Peppers, Carrots, Celery, Fuji Apples Not Pictured: Summer Squash

I've been wanting to take my trash pile down to our neighborhood dump for weeks and thought, today would be perfect. I really overexerted myself. We have a monster hill that I got to trek up and down. Neither way is fun. It's so steep you have to literally sit back on your heels not to roll forward. So once I made it back I was famished. (I forgot to mention I lugged a heavy dresser up our spiral stair case the day before) Yep, All-or-Nothing.

The juice was just as gross even though I was hungry for it, I drank maybe 5/7 of it before I just tossed it. By then I was hating and dreading the rest of the day. The rest of the juice I'd made was from the first batch and didn't have the squash but I forgot this somehow and then made the Steak-Mistake.

3:30pm { Making Meals }
This has been the hardest part of fasting for me. In my household of 6, people are eating constantly. All around me, all day, eating in my face. With my kids 7 and under I'm the one who gets to make their food. As I was reheating up some steak I literally talked myself into eating it. I didn't feel any remorse until I felt the potty pains in my stomach. As I was in the restroom it hit me that I just sabotaged myself. Albeit was just a 3 day fast, 3 days is what I wanted to make sure to accomplish. Why couldn't I do it?

Failed or Fallen...
What's your reaction? It's a measly 3 days. I first felt super disappointed, all my hard work (for 2 days). Look at the example I've just displayed for my oldest daughter who was watching me eat the steak and has been so intrigued with this whole process. I was thinking I've FAILED, I'm pitiful. I didn't feel good about myself anymore. This is not how I want to end this thing.

I've been on a sort of high these past 2 days. My sleep has been awesome, the juice was great, I felt like I could really do this. Then a steak shaped rock caused me to stumble. I rethought my situation and realized I'd just FALLEN. The only way I could fail is if I dismissed my last 2 servings of juice and finished the day with Steak. I will have a tummy ache the rest of the day much like I'd get a bruise if I actually did fall on a rock reminding me of my mistake. I'll have a life lesson for my children about getting back up after falling.

I love the song Donnie McClurkin sang on one of my mom's worship CDs.
We fall down, but we get up.
For a saint is just a sinner who fell down and got up.

I hope in being brutally honest on this journey, you will see that I'm a real non-perfect person. As much as I didn't want to share this mistake at such an early stage I find it funny and humours, or at least I will later. I have to be honest with myself. Keep moving forward and making progress. I have a re-wedding in a little over 2 years that I have to prepare for physically and financially.

Read about my Reboot: Day1      Day 2      Day 3
Where are you on your weight loss journey? Make sure to give yourself a break and get up if you fall .)
