
October 24, 2011

Week3: Shed 5 Fast Challenge

Oct. 24th - 30th

It's a new week and a new workout. Weeks 3 and 4 of the Shed 5 Fast Challenge (beginner) I'm doing the 2nd workout on the DVD. I have to say I loved the music of the first workout much better, but is that really why I workout? So what's the difference between workout 1 and workout2 besides the beats?

My Shed 5 Fast DVD Breakdown
WO (workout) 1:
Was new to me a few weeks ago. I couldn't do quick controlled lunges or jumping jacks on queue. After 2 weeks of this challenge I'm jumping and lunging right on time with the gals on the DVD. Lindsay is really great at doing her thing in her fitness level but taking time to show the various modifications. She's encouraging you all the way to step it up since you're giving the time and you don't get that motivation unless you push PLAY. This is a true sign that you can press repeat and still feel like it's the first time you're working out with her. Amazing.

WO 2:
I have 2 words "Ab Crank". There are a lot of standing abs in this routine. There are still a few kickboxing sequences, planks, but it seems the main focus is core strength and cardio. Like I said above the music isn't my favorite. However alternating between the 2 every 48hrs is a great way to stay active and challenged.

Some choose 1 workout every 48hrs and others do both spread out over the day (yikes). When it isn't challenging anymore you can simply add heavier weights although I wouldn't go too big, my personal opinion.

Day15: S5F Workout #2
I do miss WO1, sounds funny even to myself but I guess I miss the routine even though I couldn't wait to do something different. The screamers that we did today have my legs burning even 2 hours later (last few seconds of the video above).

Day16: Cardio Option B 1 minute of each of the following
Half Speed Squats:
Stand with feet shoulder width apart, squat halfway down (not to 90 degrees). Goal: 50/min
Jump Backs:
From standing position crouch down so your hands are on the floor, jump your feet back so you are in a plank position, jump your feet back into crouch position and stand up. Goal: 15-20/min
Lateral Ski:
Stand with your weight on one leg, jump 2 feet to the side so your weight is now on the other leg. Goal: 80/min
Rotating Squat Jumps:
Perform a squat. Jump out of the squat and into another squat facing the other direction (180 degree turn in air). Goal: 30/min
Mountain climbers (MCs):
Get in a plank position and bring one knee towards your belly button, switch. Goal: 80-90/min
Plank Twisters:
Start in a plank position. Bring your right knee towards your left hip bone. As your right leg straightens your left knee should come towards your right hip bone. Goal: 60-70/min
Repeat 3x (total 18 minutes)

Because this was only an 18min workout I added... Pshh.
I had to rest at least 30sec between each exercise. This was so hard for me. I don't think I've worked out this hard or challenged since working out again. Super sweat and tears throughout. I just hate that I've let my fitness level sink so low. I was so happy to be done and I look forward to S5F#2 Tomoroow

Day17: S5F Workout #2 + 10min of CardioA
Still felt challenged but anything after yesterday's wo makes you feel so strong. CardioA  is optional today and at first I was set on skipping it but it too is a step down from CardioB. The day ended up getting busy and I actually forgot to do it.

Maybe Lindsay has a few tricks up her sleeves. It almost feels like she pushes you to the brink so you can see how far you can go then brings you back to show you how strong you really are. Brilliant!

Day18: REST
If rest means dance I rested for about 40min today. I found this on youtube and got HOOKED. Nancy G. Fitness will more than likely be added to my Zumba love collection. Her workouts are fun, energetic, addicting, and challenging. The routines are basic so everyone can join no matter your fitness level. My buns and calves are burning but I couldn't stop. I might just be addicted to working out. If only I were closer to Michigan, her classes I'm sure are always packed.

Day19: S5F Workout #2 + 8min Abs
Instead of fully cooling down from the DVD workout I went straight into the ab work. I feel stronger! This was my 3rd time doing the FREE 8min abs and I did more reps with the correct form.

Today we went to the park, while The Hubs ran around with my older 3 I sat watching the baby thinking, "I can do that". Ha! I played freeze tag for the first time in I can't remember when. I was a sprinter on the track team in High School, although I'm no where near that level. It was fun sprinting around like that. I can't wait to sign up for a 5k type race.

Day20: CardioD (Boot Camp 2 DVD: warmup, cardio #5, cardio #6, cardio #5 instead I did cardio #3, cooldown
I do believe I will rest tomorrow and gain my strength to resist the Halloween treats I'm sure will invade my house

Day21: REST Happy Fall Y'all! I know it's Halloween but try not to eat too much candy, it's going to be hard!

Just one more week and this Challenge will be Finished!!!!
I can't wait to see my stats in numbers.

Don't forget, Lindsay has started a facebook support group, Operation: Get my Body Back! I love the daily support and discussion these ladies offer. Women from all backgrounds from all over the world coming together to encourage one another. Within joining the group I was up off my bum and haven't stopped challenging my body since.


October 18, 2011

Week2: Shed 5 Fast Challenge

Oct. 17th - 23rd

In the weeks to come I'll be tracking my daily progress in weeks instead of days. Now that you get the gist of my daily schedule and what I'll be doing the next 21 days. This week I've decided to add a before picture. It's actually where I am now so that later I can call it before, Get it?  In posting this I've made a commitment to myself that I will make an After Video. I can not wait, I've already lost 10lb with 50-60 to go.

Some days like today, I just feel so defeated, like I'm at the bottom of the biggest hill looking up. I'll try to keep my nose down and focus on the steps, one foot in front of the other. I'll get there, I truly believe that (most days).

Day8: S5F Workout #1
My intensity fluctuated from low to high throughout. I did notice I could do jumping jacks right alongside Lindsay. Before I would just march in place with my arms moving. I attempted to do "real" rotating push ups. I could only do 1 each side.

Day9: Cardio A
1 minute of each:
1. Half speed squats: Goal: 35-40
2. Jumping Jack crosses: Crossing your feet one in front of the other as you jump Goal: 35-40 reps
3. Lateral ski: Goal: 60 reps
4. Side squats: Goal: 30 reps  
5. Mountain climbers: From the plank position alternate knees toward the belly Goal: 70-80 reps 

 reps / minute Repeat 1-5, 4x (total=20 minutes)

Wow, that was so much different this time. I did these correctly and will feel the burn on into tomorrow. Instead of trying to count reps I just did as much as I could each minute almost non stop for 30min. Ouch!<

Day10: S5F Workout #1
Not much to say but, DONE! I'm so happy to see that big redded word below!

Day11: REST Instead of resting I did 45min on my Wii. Zumba Expert was rough, but for some reason I commited and didn't let my self stop until the cool down. I wore myself out to say the least.

Day12: REST Body Shut Down .(

Day13: Cardio D:  Boot Camp 2 DVD Cardio#5, Cardio#6, Cardio#5 instead I did Lindsay's 8min Abs that I missed from day12. Tomorrow I will make myself rest so as not to through myself off schedule anymore. I may throw in some yoga to keep my core strength seeing as it helps with my hiatal hernia issues.

Day14: REST

And with that Week#2 is DONE!
Half way there...

Excitement and anxiety are beginning to set in because the weeks to come will be my make or break moment. Since I've started working out I seem to be consistent in the first 2 weeks then drop off or skip the remainder. I'm determined to keep going for the sake of this blog and my overall health. This isn't just a blog experiment. I'm not obligated to anyone in writing this series. I'm solely doing this for myself.

I want my BeforeBabyBody Back!

Week#2 Stats:
The scale hasn't budged since losing 10lbs but I feel great. Despite what I see in the mirror I feel college-age again. Granted I'm only 30 I've started to feel old, back issues, joint pain, etc. I can feel 20 for the rest of my life if I do a little bit of work now, later I'll reap the reward. My family will benefit as well and get a much more energetic mama. It's so true, "when mommy ain't happy, ain't nobody happy". I'm the life spring in my house, as a stay at homeschooling mom I need to be on top of my game for success to even be an option.


October 15, 2011

Day6: Shed 5 Fast Challenge

If you can complete one week of this challenge you can complete the entire 4 weeks. I'm saying this at the quarter mark. It is hard, as it should be, but you will start seeing your strength gain. I can finally do lunges after 90days using Lindsay's system. They are slow but I feel the burn in my glutes and not my knees. Huge accomplishment for me.

Today I did... Cardio Option D:  Boot Camp 2 DVD
warmup, Cardio#5, Cardio#6, Cardio#5, cool down

This series can be purchased in 3 ways, 
DVD, Download, or Both.

You have the option of doing Cardio Option C or D. C is a download that is not yet available. A few months back I won this DVD from a blog giveaway. I love giveaways!

My stats in lbs and inches can be found here, I've lost a total of 10lbs and 17inches. Looking at my loosening skin, it's still hard to believe what I've accomplished. At first I was worried about doing the same workouts for so long. The Shed 5 Fast DVD has 2 workouts. Lindsay is instructing you the entire time in the videos. I think because she is so helpful reminding you to breath or hold a pose through out you really get the sense that she's right in front of you. You've got your own personal trainer in your living room.

October 14, 2011

Day5: Shed 5 Fast Challenge

All I can say is, I did it. It was hard, but I pushed through and now I get to relax for the rest of the day. I'm not sure which day is the hardest yet because I've not made it through the week. Today was rough!! I'm not 100% sure but I think Miss Lindsay may just be a robot. See what I mean below.

 I love how she has worked so hard to make it look so easy. I know I'll get there (I keep telling myself). I wanted to show the workout schedule I've been following. I'm obviously a beginner and can't imagine what the vets are going through right now.

Today's workout was...
the S5F#1 but with 2lb heavier weights and Lindsay's Free 8min Abs.

Don't forget has FREE meal plans and more. For the Cardio Instructions visit Lindsay's blog for what what each letter means. Good News, the 8min Abs are free! I'm not sure how often you'll want to do them but they are sure to get your core flat and strong.

Now go and get it .)


October 12, 2011

Day3: Shed 5 Fast Challenge

Ihave some awesomely annoying news! I've lost 10lbs and my pants won't stay up. I mean around the house I wear lounging type clothes (pajamas). I don't do my hair, or where makeup, my pants are all elastic. I mean I knew I'd lost weight, I knew inches were melting off but my goodness. I've heard others say how they don't have any clothes that fit and I just wished I was there. As I walked around the grocery store tonight I realized, I'm there! My shirts are really drooping, my pants sagging, and my bras are doing absolutely nothing for support. It's time to get some new gear all around.

Lindsay includes a progress tracker with her 60Day Slim Down System (60SD). Although I didn't complete the entire 2 months I have been keeping track of my measurements...

I'm down 10lbs and 17inches since July 28, 2011. 90 days ago I would've never thought I could be here. I couldn't keep up with Lindsay's 60SD. I thought I'd really failed myself until I realized it was just too advanced for me. I didn't look forward to the workouts, instead I dreaded them. Enough to skip 2 weeks and make excuses, pick it back up and drop the last 2 weeks again.

What's Changed?
I decided that although I'd wasted my time before I was going to keep going. Again you can't fail unless you stop. Keep at it in anyway that fits and you'll make your goals. Failing is not an option. I can't keep looking at the scale, mad or sad. I can't be upset that the numbers aren't changing if I'm not willing to dig deeper to find the root of the problem.

I thought I could wing the counting calories part. I grew up with a Jane Fonda inspired aerobic mother who obsessed (it seemed that way to me) about all numbers. Numbers on the scale, measuring out servings, fat, calories, etc. I've since found that method was what worked for her. She was a numbers gal and treated food and eating as a math equation. That method was NOT for me and it is just that, a method.

I have discovered that if I'm going to be working this hard physically I'd better match that same intensity in my nutrition. This was a major catalyst for starting my 3day Reboot Inspired Juice Fast. It taught me how mental my eating habits had been. I'm not nearly as hungry as I thought I was. Since I've been off and getting back to normal more complex foods I crave salads. Not the measly kind you ask for on the side either, I want a jethro sized salad with a bit of meat, sweet red pepper,  and my hubby's vinaigrette. I'll try to remember to post his recipe on facebook.

Tomorrow is the first official Rest Day of this challenge, Ahhhhhh.
Want to jump in? Buy the DVD or Downloads and join!

* To get $10 OFF

your first order, email me at with subject: TEN OFF MIF

The products mentioned in this post written here were provided by: for the purpose of this review. I was not compensated in any other way and all opinions made are mine: Gymberella. 


October 11, 2011

Day3: The Final Juice with Steak
Day2: Shed 5 Fast Challenge

Yes, I said steak. No, I didn't juice it. However, I decided to cut this fast short due to my coinciding Shed5Fast Challenge. I get a bit too ambitious. I mean really, this isn't the biggest loser ranch. I'm just a mom with poor eating habits, fed up with her weight, and wanting to hurry to results. I wouldn't say I hurried my body these past few days, (not more than usual). I'm an extremist. I've learned this while observing my middle daughter who is much like me in that she's an all-or-nothing sorta gal. ♫ She get it from her mama! ♪ Let me take you through my day. I think you'll see where it all went wrong.

8:00am { On time WorkOut }
I woke up and checked in to Operation: Get my body back! (an online weight loss support group started by Lindsay Brin). I assessed today's workout and it was a killer. Instead of getting excited I stalled. I knew the clock was against me since one of my 4 kids had already woken up. Kicking and screaming, on the inside, I took my workout outside.
Today I did... my 2nd day with S5F
Tuesday at the Beginner Level:
Cardio A
1 minute of each:
1. Half speed squats: Goal: 35-40 35
2. Jumping Jack crosses: Crossing your feet one in front of the other as you jump Goal: 35-40 reps 35
3. Lateral ski: Goal: 60 reps 60
4. Side squats: Goal: 30 reps 30 
5. Mountain climbers: From the plank position alternate knees toward the belly Goal: 70-80 reps 70

 reps / minute Repeat 1-5, 4x (total=20 minutes)

Somehow I missed the reps per minute part. I ended up just doing each step 2x but completed it in 30 min. I was sweating either way but didn't cry. I'll write more about there another time.

11:00am { Fasting off to a Slow Start }
I decided it would be a whole lot easier to juice everything all at once, then I'd only have to clean my juicer once for the entire day (that part is so tedious). I prepared my fruits and veggies and midway through juicing I noticed I was short 2 servings. We'd run out of spinach the day before and I wanted to do more vegs than fruit. So I grabbed a bit more apples and some summer squash, bleh! I forced a few sips and stuck it in the fridge.

Sweet Red Peppers, Carrots, Celery, Fuji Apples Not Pictured: Summer Squash

I've been wanting to take my trash pile down to our neighborhood dump for weeks and thought, today would be perfect. I really overexerted myself. We have a monster hill that I got to trek up and down. Neither way is fun. It's so steep you have to literally sit back on your heels not to roll forward. So once I made it back I was famished. (I forgot to mention I lugged a heavy dresser up our spiral stair case the day before) Yep, All-or-Nothing.

The juice was just as gross even though I was hungry for it, I drank maybe 5/7 of it before I just tossed it. By then I was hating and dreading the rest of the day. The rest of the juice I'd made was from the first batch and didn't have the squash but I forgot this somehow and then made the Steak-Mistake.

3:30pm { Making Meals }
This has been the hardest part of fasting for me. In my household of 6, people are eating constantly. All around me, all day, eating in my face. With my kids 7 and under I'm the one who gets to make their food. As I was reheating up some steak I literally talked myself into eating it. I didn't feel any remorse until I felt the potty pains in my stomach. As I was in the restroom it hit me that I just sabotaged myself. Albeit was just a 3 day fast, 3 days is what I wanted to make sure to accomplish. Why couldn't I do it?

Failed or Fallen...
What's your reaction? It's a measly 3 days. I first felt super disappointed, all my hard work (for 2 days). Look at the example I've just displayed for my oldest daughter who was watching me eat the steak and has been so intrigued with this whole process. I was thinking I've FAILED, I'm pitiful. I didn't feel good about myself anymore. This is not how I want to end this thing.

I've been on a sort of high these past 2 days. My sleep has been awesome, the juice was great, I felt like I could really do this. Then a steak shaped rock caused me to stumble. I rethought my situation and realized I'd just FALLEN. The only way I could fail is if I dismissed my last 2 servings of juice and finished the day with Steak. I will have a tummy ache the rest of the day much like I'd get a bruise if I actually did fall on a rock reminding me of my mistake. I'll have a life lesson for my children about getting back up after falling.

I love the song Donnie McClurkin sang on one of my mom's worship CDs.
We fall down, but we get up.
For a saint is just a sinner who fell down and got up.

I hope in being brutally honest on this journey, you will see that I'm a real non-perfect person. As much as I didn't want to share this mistake at such an early stage I find it funny and humours, or at least I will later. I have to be honest with myself. Keep moving forward and making progress. I have a re-wedding in a little over 2 years that I have to prepare for physically and financially.

Read about my Reboot: Day1      Day 2      Day 3
Where are you on your weight loss journey? Make sure to give yourself a break and get up if you fall .)


October 10, 2011

Day2: Reboot Inspired Juice Fast

Sleep was so vivid and restful last night. Something I've not had since before babies .) I'm thinking it was around 9pm (The Hubs came home and put kids to bed for me. I woke up once again by my 2yr old at 7:30am, however this time was different. I didn't go back to sleep for 2 more hours, Good Mommy! I think my son was shocked, he vegged out on the couch while I worked out. Nothing like a great audience.

I'm not following the reboot daily recipe schedule. That's why I say inspired. I sort of jumped right into this thing. I saw the movie, researched the website, pondered the idea for a month or so, then as soon as we had some veggies started. I don't recommend this style. This would be much easier if I prepared my juice before hand. Although I'm not necessary feeling fatigued, I do see how helpful it'd be if my juice was pre sorted.

Day2 Juice Recipes
Here are the actual Reboot Juice Recipes.
Morning: Leftover juice from yesterday's Dinner 1 apple, 4-5 carrots, 2 drops of lemon juice, 2-3 handfuls of spinach

Lunch: I apple, 4 carrots, 1 celery stalk (I find that I like the salty and sweet), dash of cinnamon (this made it taste like an apple bake), 1 sweet red pepper (tastes more and more like banana)

Dinner: 1 Apple, 1 celery stalk, 5 carrots,  1 handful of spinach

Before Bed: 

Again I forgot time and have only had 3 juices today. I know this is terrible for my body as it's trying to detox and I'm not getting it the nutrients it needs. Ugh, I've drank water throughout the day.

I do feel hungry, bug for some reason I can easily dismiss the idea of eating. I'm not really sure how to describe it. I hear my belly rumble, watch my kids eat (I accidentally ate a bit of carrot, lol), and want to eat something, but I'm okay with not. This would not be the case if I were attempting the Akin's Diet (that thing was the Devil). I've actually made a new blog, face book fan page, twitter, and written more than one post today. Truthfully I've neglected a few household chores but they'll always be there, lol.

Follow my journey on Twitter @Gymbella #HomeFitnessRevolution and my facebook fan page.

Read about my Reboot: Day1      Day 2      Day 3


Day:1 Shed 5 Fast Challenge

oday I've begun a weightloss challenge. I seem to do better if I have a short time to work on my body. This challenge was created by Lindsay Brin using her Shed 5 Fast DVD (Lindsay's Products DVD). It actually ran this past Jan-Mar. So I'm late but late is better than never, right?

Today I did... Monday at the Beginner Level:
S5F Workout #1 Lowest Intensity
(click the link above for actual workout info)

This workout will get your heart pumping. If you wanted you could actually dance to the music which is big for me. There are 3 levels of intensity with 2 other people besides Lindsay to follow along with. The pace feels non stop with steady standing and floor work. This DVD is one of my favorites from her 60Day Slim Down System I received back in August.

Buy It and Love it!
Get $10 Off
your first order* see below for details.

                    Download $9.99                       DVD Only $15.99           Combo Pack DVD & Download

Find Lindsay and other MomsIntoFitness on her new fan page on facebook. Using her workouts has really retrained me in strengthening and building up my core. No one that I've found has explained prenatal and postpartum exercise the way she has. A true Pioneer!

Progression Pictures are coming soon!

* To get $10 OFF
your first order, email me at with subject: TEN OFF MIF
The products mentioned in this post written here were provided by: for the purpose of this review. I was not compensated in any other way and all opinions made are mine: Gymberella. 

October 9, 2011

Day1: Reboot Inspired Juice Fast

Rebooting my life, Today! I can't waist anymore time. I'm feeling urgent pressure, not from anyone but that I have to lose my extra weight and do it quick. Almost like an internal ticking. I feel anxious. My weight has caused me some small but ill effects. Spine misalignment, hiatal hernia, and joint pain. It's very scary that this list could be bigger, these are only things I can physically feel or see, what about my heart, my blood, the things I can't see? With four kids, The Hubs and I are constantly asked, "is this it? Are you having anymore?" My answer is always, "We don't know".

What I do know is I don't want to have another fat overweight pregnancy. I've carried 40lbs or more with every pregnancy. Our bodies were designed to work. They can't do their jobs if they're fighting the extra fat  that gets tacked on and stays. This is my life, I have some pretty big responsibilities that need me. The Five most important people are my babies, my wonderful hubby. I don't know what tomorrow holds but I do know what happens to those I love who don't treat their bodies right.

Army Girl - 2001
Mommy Girl - PRES

Don't laugh at my "work it girl" pose, I thought I was something else back then.
This is the time to regain that confidence, not for flaunting. Just to be happy with my body again.
(much like an artist is happy with it's work)

I know I sound all fired up, but this is exciting! I wrote about bringing my BeforeBabiesBody Back here. Before when I looked in the mirror I saw a problem and no solution. I saw the women in my family and thought, "Yep, I'm getting there". I saw a mountain. Now with the knowledge that I've gained and amazing testimonies I see a project. Much Like when I walk into my kitchen with dishes piled high and missing counter tops. I know say, "This is going to take some work. I'm hating the BEFORE. I'm not going to like the process, but I'm definitely going to love the AFTER.

Click here to view the trailer and read my reaction after watching this movie... Join the reboot.

Day1 Juice Recipes
I didn't have the ingredients from the reboot site so I improvised. 
After today I'll try to stick close to stick to the Reboot Juice Recipies.

Morning: 1-2 apples, 2 celery stalks, 3 carrots, 1 handful of spinach juice.
It's soooo interesting how you can taste all the different flavors. I'm gonna just do the juice exclusively for 3 days first and see how it goes before committing to 2 weeks or 30 days.

Lunch: 1 apple, 2 celery, 1 large sweet pepper (So yummy!), 1 handful of spinach

Dinner: 1 apple, 4-5 carrots, 2 drops of lemon juice, 2-3 handfuls of spinach

Before Bed: 1 cup of herbal tea with 1-2 drops of lemon

Ideally you are to have 4-6 juices, somehow I forgot time and have only had juice and water until 2pm. Yikes I'll have to pay close attention in the days to come. Maybe set a watch alarm.
Surprisingly, I'm Not Hungry!!!! That's blowing my mind.

You do have to have a juicer for this challenge. Luckily a few years ago I bought one at a garage sale. The prev owner thought it was broken. With just a little super glue I fixed it and it's worked ever since. Follow me on Twitter @Gymbella #HomeFitnessRevolution.

Evening Update: 
Making Meals for the family is sooooo hard. I'm seeing just how much I eat while cooking. I fed my youngest (pictured above) dinner and noticed how much of his food I would've eaten before this fast. I knew it was bad but I've been really ridiculous. This nasty habit started back when my oldest was a baby. I'd sample her baby food (Hawaiian Delight is BOMB). As the day is winding down all I want to do is sleep. Kids are going to bed early (on time) tonight. This mommy needs some rest.
Read about my Reboot: Day1      Day 2      Day 3


Gymbella is Born

elcome to my Home! My name is Christy, Home-Mom. I'm a stay at homeschooling mommy blogger of 4 who is desperately getting her BeforeBabiesBody Back. Yep, it can be done and I will share my transformation here with the world. Like some moms, I look in the mirror and am not pleased with what I see. I confuse the weight with unattractiveness. I confuse the pounds with self worth. I have gotten it wrong and I want to share with you there is a better way to see this situation for what it is, a point in time.

Follow me as I tackle 70lbs (10 down since July 2011). I'll atempt, I'll fail, I'll get back up. I will not give up despite myself. Changing how I think, eat, and workout will take some time. I'm so glad you're here!
