
June 12, 2012

Still Pregnant, Still Working Out

Has it really been since March since I've posted? Wow, well I'm still here and still pregnant. 25wks pregnant to be exact and still doing tabatas. I've actually started a routine of sorts all by myself. I do 2 rounds of tabatas 2-3 times per week.

From my research on this HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) I've found it's effects last up to 48hrs so I figured if I did them Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday or Sunday I'd be get the benefits of a 6day a week regimen at just 3 days. Not that I'm trying to cheat just for the sake of cheating I really don't have the energy to put in 5-6days a week working out. Plus if I set the goal and don't make it I'd be so down on myself about failing.

Tabata Review - Work Hard for 20sec  - Rest for 10sec. Do this 8 times in a row = 1 Tabata basically or read my Short on Time, Try Tabatas' post.

So what exercises have I chosen to put in my Tabatas?
I actually love doing squats! That sounds so weird to say but they are so effective and need minimal equipment to do. Our legs have the biggest muscles and burn the most calories so it just made sense again.

Today's Tabatas:
30sec - 1min Warm up (march in place/high knees)

Round 1
Side to sides - lateral jumps
squats with overhead press w/ 8lbs
dumbbell rows w/ 8lbs
Monsters - Lindsay Brin's squat/lunge combo KILLS!!! 

repeat round 1 for a total of 4min
Rest 1min
Round 2
High Knees - I march in place with fairly fast knees
Broken Windshields - Just found these on youtube here
Push ups
abs/cross punch I attempted Val's "opposites" but couldn't hang and did the one Cassey showed instead
repeat round 2 for a total of 4min

Lately I've only done 2 per week but hope to at least do 3 every other week. It's crazy how much sweat starts pouring after these things. You really can't beat an awesome workout in just 20min. Mommy of 4 expecting my 5th, I have a feeling tabatas will always be my go to in the future. I think I've said the T-word enough, we'll just end it at that. I love them that much :)


March 17, 2012

Prenatal Exercise in 2012

I've not made the big announcement on this blog yet, oops :) I'm 12 weeks pregnant!!! With baby #5 :) It's great looking back on my last post and all the hopes I had for the year to finally lose these 70lbs that I've been toting around for the last few years. I got 20 of it off before we found out I was pregnant so I'm a bit happy about that, I just wish I'd stuck to it and did more.

In November I hid the scale in the attic, well hubby hid it and I found it while getting out Christmas decorations.
November also marked one year for my youngest a huge disappointment for me. I didn't start working out right after having him but waited until he was 9months old and it took me awhile to get into a groove. Even then I lost 20 lbs. I tend to say only 20lbs like it's not a huge deal but when my goal was to lose 70 before having another baby 20 seems like such a tiny number.

All of that behind me this pregnancy will be my fittest. I can't change my past mistakes. All I can do is move forward. After learning that one of my favorite online trainers, Sarah from Fit Healthy Moms, is pregnant too I just got motivated and jumped up and worked out today for the first time since December. I didn't literally jump up but I got really excited knowing this girl is doing these amazing HIIT (high intensity interval training) moves and she's out of breath, she sweating but she's doing it.

So I pulled myself from my current online game craze and did 2 sets of tabata/HIIT style workouts. I Incorporated some of the moves Sarah mentions in this video and this online Tabata Timer.

I was so energized afterwards I unloaded the dishwasher and started breakfast before the kids asked for food. In this house that is sadly rare. Here's to a great March and fit pregnancy ;)


January 31, 2012

2012 Goals & Challenges

New year and you could say I've dropped off a bit, but I'd like to think of it as cooling off. Working out 5-6 days a week can be a bit taxing on the body. Mentally I no longer desired putting my body through the motions. However I guess I feel up to it again as I started Lindsay's 60Day Slimdown System again. I really didn't want to (if I'm telling the truth) but this is not about me. I started a group by the same name on facebook to motivate moms/women to lose 30lbs or more. I have 70lbs to lose this year and I really think it can get done. A group member mentioned a similar goal and my support mode kicked in. Before I knew what I was typing I agreed to join her, support her. By doing so I've gained a workout buddy who will support me as well. Win-Win-Win right?

I completed yesterdays workout at 11:30pm and got up at 7am this morning for day2. This is not the pattern I want to set this early on but it was important to me to do this together. I'm excited to see my body change even more but in learning more about myself no longer desire to be bone skinny. I may have never vocalized that anywhere but it has been a twisted dream since I was bone skinny and didn't even realize it. Last year all you heard was Strong is the new Sexy, well this year I'm bringing Sexy back with strength :)

I won't be posting everyday, that only complicates and frustrates the process. I wonder if I should post ever 10days with stats, we'll see. I'm also not done with the 100WinterChallenge. I have 67miles to get in by Feb.29th, not impossible but it won't be easy either.


January 1, 2012

HEA 2011 in Review


ooking at the year 2011...
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July              August               September          October              November             December

July 28th I started Lindsay Brin's 60Day SlimDown the challenge that kick started everything and had me really serious about getting my BeforeBabyBody back. I was 30 years old with 4 kids my youngest 9months at 5'6" weighing 218lbs.

                          30 days later I had some pretty exciting results for my half way point. I really did a poor job following the challenge to a tee but still got some beneficial results.

                                                    I started to slack a bit and took off a few weeks in Sept. My excuse was I couldn't get out of the house to run because the kids weren't yet used to mommy "working out" they'd fuss and wake up daddy while I was out. Getting up early on time before the kids woke up was super hard for me and our dog was not a joy to walk around the neighborhood. I'd have a sore forearm from the pull of the leash.
                                                                             October 31st was a sad sad day for me. I learned a lot about my sugar addiction. I had gotten such good advice from the ladies in Lindsay's fb group but didn't heed and totally sabatoged all my success. I was well on my way to reaching 209 or lower and gained 3lbs instead. So my 90 day stats got tossed. From 211 to 213, then 215 and I've been working on getting back down ever since. It was so much harder losing 3lbs you've already lost. I was down for a while about that.
                                                                                                         Fed up with the numbers haunting me I told my husband to hide my scale. I didn't even notice for the first few days but when I did it drove me crazy. You see I hadn't owned a scale for almost 10years. I grew up in a very weight conscious home and looking at numbers that don't change whether you're exercising/eating right or not. It got insane.
                                                                                                                                  I'm not totally against weighing myself. I'll sneak one in at someone elses house once a month or when I think about. Just recently I  got to 211. Is my attitude grateful? Sort of, I still feel like I should have been here months ago and could've been even lower by now. That's really not going to get me to HEA is it? I could go back even further and not have let myself get in this mess too. That's not reality, that's not where I am. I'm here now and this is what I'm working with.

This year is all about new philosophies, new plans, and new challenges. I can't wait to put 2012 in review and watch in pics and videos my body transform and more importantly myself become HEA each day.
