
November 18, 2011

How I Gained 80lbs | A decade in Review

Changing the way I think about my weight has been a huge obstacle for me. Making such a big change in your body and taking back control of your health can be hectic for awhile and with over 50lbs to lose it seems impossible. First I have to take a look back, how did I really get here. It was not over night, so I can't honestly think I can lose it so quick. I mean I have to think how long it took me to gain an extra 80lbs.

I was tall and slender much like an average kid. I started to gain weight in middle school, so my mom put me in sports. That saved me for awhile and pushed off the inevitable. I say inevitable because of the way I ate. Everyday I had chocolate milk, pizza, french fries, JUNK. I didn't see the consequences then, let me tell you habits like that rear their ugly heads sooner or later.

Let's break it down, beginning at the point in my life where I started to gain and not lose.
+20lbs 160lbs Just Married - 2003
160lbs -The hubs and I got married in 2003, this was prob the last time I felt sort of comfortable with my body. I probably had 15-20 lbs more than I liked but I don't recall worrying about my stomach in shirts or my thighs. I was 22yo and marrying my best friend. I believed I weighed near 160.

+50lbs 190lbs after 2005
Couldn't find a pic of me .)
180lbs - Then in 2004 we had our first child, a beautiful baby girl. I started out 40lbs overweight and gained a whopping 50lbs with that pregnancy. Most of it could have probably been avoided and my doctor even said to push away from the table that I'd been overeating. I don't think I was doing anything different so that sort of hurt my feelings. I was just stuck in old habits of not stopping when I as full and it really showed. Plus I retained tons of water and dropped 30lbs within a week after the birth. I never got back down to 180, but was 190 (a 10lb gain).

+60lbs 200lbs  after 2nd child 2007
190lbs - In 2005 we got pregnant again and I gained just as much weight, so afterwards with 2 kids I was 200lbs. In my head the lbs were just racking up. First I was 40lbs over, then add 10lbs per kid and I felt defeated. When our 2nd child was 1yr I decided to start working out. My mom would come over and we do Turbo Jam 2-3x a week together.

~75lbs 214lbs after 3rd child 2009
210lbs -Fast forward to 2008 to my 3rd pregnancy. I knew something was different this time. I only gained 20lbs. Turns out my boys are better on my body, lol. But when it was all said and done in 2009 I weighed 214 before and after. I was a bit disappointed that I didn't lose at least 20lbs.

+75lbs 214lbs stayed consistent
214lbs - Before my 4th pregnancy Feb. 2010. This pregnancy was not a planned one. At this point I was approx. 80lbs overweight, in my mind that was equivalent to 100!!! I mean I really couldn't wrap my head around the fact that I was carrying 80 extra lbs.

+80lbs 220lbs 2011
220lbs - I decided things needed to change and quick. I got really depressed knowing I had now had 2 babies and had done very little with my health.

I started looking for workouts to do while pregnant and found Lindsay Brin's MomsIntoFitness. I didn't have the money to purchase her set but was really big into blog reviews and giveaways. I googl'd giveaways with her DVDs and actually won her Boot Camp 2. I then contacted MIF and proposed a review/giveaway for my site. I felt I was the perfect candidate and had gotten quite a few other reviews under my belt.

They said yes and in late July 2011 I wrote my review and began what is now the challenge to my Happily Ever After. I'm committed to doing this at home without a gym, instead bringing the gym home. I lost 7lbs and 9inches in 60days. Not the best results, but hey they were results.


**Here I was fresh out of the ARMY with a hand on my hip, toned, defined, and unhealthy. Skip to 2011, I'm a mommy with a baby on my hip. Let me make a prediction about 2021, I will be satisfied with what my hard work produces. It's not about lbs lost but about knowledge gained. God created me for a specific reason, I have to be around and healthy to fulfill it.**

That was the past! Now we're here in the present until it becomes my...
BEFORE Picture...
-10lbs 210lbs October 2011. 
My Kids need an up-close and personal live role model. Who better than me to show them how to live a healthy life. The cycle of bad eating habits ends here. With 4 kids (or more, lol) I've got to be able to run. No matter how strong I am, I can't play or protect my children huffing and puffing through life.

I've lost 13lbs, gained 3, and lost 3 again. I won't promise a perfect journey. I'm not perfect. I've promised myself to fall and fail forward. Here's to falling fwd and never giving up on yourself.

More to come on eating 'Clean' Eating, Juice Power, and Kid Friendly Recipes soon.

Need Support?
I've created a group on facebook to encourage, motivate, and celebrate Moms on their journey to regaining their BeforeBabyBodies. If you're a Mom with more than 50lbs to lose and you'd like support of those going through the same thing email me at
