
November 14, 2011

Halloween and BMIs

I really don't like using weight as a progress tracker but for now it's letting me know I'm headed in the right direction. It's now been a little over a week since my last challenge and I've gained 4lbs, GASP. What happened? Halloween happened. It was a day I knew I'd regret but turned into a week. I have 4 kids so there was some serious candy traffic in this house.

The problem never really happened until night time, all will power was lost. Plus night time means date/tv time with my hubby. As we watch UFC or catchy up on our favorite show on netflix I'd eat candy. We both ate but The Hubs has almost zero body fat. I on the other hand have a BMI of 34.1. Calculating in my beginning weight of 220, my BMI was 35.5 so there's a bit of progress.

here are the BMI Categories :
Underweight = < 18.5
Normal weight = 18.5–24.9
Overweight = 25–29.9
Obesity = BMI of 30 or greater

I've been 200 or over since my second pregnancy and birth but have been overweight off and on during college. I was very athletic and active in grade school on up until high school. I lost all motivation after losing the chance to take the state champions, I wasn't going to play ball at a University because I knew I didn't have the work ethic, so I gave in and gained over the estimated freshmen 15.

I was disgusted with myself back then. Instead of seeing a problem and working toward a solution I loathed my body. What I wouldn't give to get to 160 now. Funny how that works. Then I thought nothing was worse and now I'm sitting at 211 after gaining 4 lbs from Halloween Candy. I'm not going to hate my body, I'm going to love and take care of it. I can now see it's the decisions I've made that have gotten me here, this body is not all I am. It's really been sort of trippy watching my self melt so far.

This week's workouts have included Zumba for the Wii, a 28min wo fromPostnatal Boot Camp,, and some FREE Kettlebell WOs I found on youtube. Marianne from offers some really great routines both for the novice and the experts. I love that she uses some massive weights to squat with, lift up, and swing; and yet her body isn't bulky or manish at all. Because I had poor weight lifting habits I bulked up in my legs, and arms. I would like a sleek non bulky body once I've reached my happily ever after. I really think kbs will keep me from bulking.

The rest of this week's wos will be tweeted. And before I forget I've started a group of Moms would like to lose 50lbs or more called Before and Happily Ever After. My ultimate goal is to reach 150 possibly and that's 61lbs away. Joining up with the gals has boosted motivation and my week's goal is to WO 5x, drink more than enough water, and really focus portion controls.

Until next week, keep pushing towards your goals.
