
October 9, 2011

Day1: Reboot Inspired Juice Fast

Rebooting my life, Today! I can't waist anymore time. I'm feeling urgent pressure, not from anyone but that I have to lose my extra weight and do it quick. Almost like an internal ticking. I feel anxious. My weight has caused me some small but ill effects. Spine misalignment, hiatal hernia, and joint pain. It's very scary that this list could be bigger, these are only things I can physically feel or see, what about my heart, my blood, the things I can't see? With four kids, The Hubs and I are constantly asked, "is this it? Are you having anymore?" My answer is always, "We don't know".

What I do know is I don't want to have another fat overweight pregnancy. I've carried 40lbs or more with every pregnancy. Our bodies were designed to work. They can't do their jobs if they're fighting the extra fat  that gets tacked on and stays. This is my life, I have some pretty big responsibilities that need me. The Five most important people are my babies, my wonderful hubby. I don't know what tomorrow holds but I do know what happens to those I love who don't treat their bodies right.

Army Girl - 2001
Mommy Girl - PRES

Don't laugh at my "work it girl" pose, I thought I was something else back then.
This is the time to regain that confidence, not for flaunting. Just to be happy with my body again.
(much like an artist is happy with it's work)

I know I sound all fired up, but this is exciting! I wrote about bringing my BeforeBabiesBody Back here. Before when I looked in the mirror I saw a problem and no solution. I saw the women in my family and thought, "Yep, I'm getting there". I saw a mountain. Now with the knowledge that I've gained and amazing testimonies I see a project. Much Like when I walk into my kitchen with dishes piled high and missing counter tops. I know say, "This is going to take some work. I'm hating the BEFORE. I'm not going to like the process, but I'm definitely going to love the AFTER.

Click here to view the trailer and read my reaction after watching this movie... Join the reboot.

Day1 Juice Recipes
I didn't have the ingredients from the reboot site so I improvised. 
After today I'll try to stick close to stick to the Reboot Juice Recipies.

Morning: 1-2 apples, 2 celery stalks, 3 carrots, 1 handful of spinach juice.
It's soooo interesting how you can taste all the different flavors. I'm gonna just do the juice exclusively for 3 days first and see how it goes before committing to 2 weeks or 30 days.

Lunch: 1 apple, 2 celery, 1 large sweet pepper (So yummy!), 1 handful of spinach

Dinner: 1 apple, 4-5 carrots, 2 drops of lemon juice, 2-3 handfuls of spinach

Before Bed: 1 cup of herbal tea with 1-2 drops of lemon

Ideally you are to have 4-6 juices, somehow I forgot time and have only had juice and water until 2pm. Yikes I'll have to pay close attention in the days to come. Maybe set a watch alarm.
Surprisingly, I'm Not Hungry!!!! That's blowing my mind.

You do have to have a juicer for this challenge. Luckily a few years ago I bought one at a garage sale. The prev owner thought it was broken. With just a little super glue I fixed it and it's worked ever since. Follow me on Twitter @Gymbella #HomeFitnessRevolution.

Evening Update: 
Making Meals for the family is sooooo hard. I'm seeing just how much I eat while cooking. I fed my youngest (pictured above) dinner and noticed how much of his food I would've eaten before this fast. I knew it was bad but I've been really ridiculous. This nasty habit started back when my oldest was a baby. I'd sample her baby food (Hawaiian Delight is BOMB). As the day is winding down all I want to do is sleep. Kids are going to bed early (on time) tonight. This mommy needs some rest.
Read about my Reboot: Day1      Day 2      Day 3
