So I turned to Youtube. I find a ton of great free works, walk away the pounds star Leslie Sansone has a new or same but new name walk at home system. Granted someone uploaded her set, I watch and follow along on youtube and have 5miles 3x Week.
Holly 7wks Postpartum already back at prepreg shape! |
Because I don't see the link anywhere on the site,
I'll only leave this up for a limited time.
I'll only leave this up for a limited time.
I encourage you to sign up and utilize this month gift as an after Christmas present for yourself. I'm going to sign up for the month to try it out. Who knows, at less than $20 a month it may stick around until the unwanted lbs come all the way off. Holly has downloadable workouts each month, achievable meal plans, and accountability the most important factor I've found in my own HEA journey. Let me know if you try it out, I want to compare results and successes.
Good news!! I've been losing lbs since the scale has moved to the attic. I knew inches were gone but it's still nice to see the lbs gone as well. Weight is really overrated because you could be above your goal weight but appear smaller and more tones. That's the power of muscle.