
March 17, 2012

Prenatal Exercise in 2012

I've not made the big announcement on this blog yet, oops :) I'm 12 weeks pregnant!!! With baby #5 :) It's great looking back on my last post and all the hopes I had for the year to finally lose these 70lbs that I've been toting around for the last few years. I got 20 of it off before we found out I was pregnant so I'm a bit happy about that, I just wish I'd stuck to it and did more.

In November I hid the scale in the attic, well hubby hid it and I found it while getting out Christmas decorations.
November also marked one year for my youngest a huge disappointment for me. I didn't start working out right after having him but waited until he was 9months old and it took me awhile to get into a groove. Even then I lost 20 lbs. I tend to say only 20lbs like it's not a huge deal but when my goal was to lose 70 before having another baby 20 seems like such a tiny number.

All of that behind me this pregnancy will be my fittest. I can't change my past mistakes. All I can do is move forward. After learning that one of my favorite online trainers, Sarah from Fit Healthy Moms, is pregnant too I just got motivated and jumped up and worked out today for the first time since December. I didn't literally jump up but I got really excited knowing this girl is doing these amazing HIIT (high intensity interval training) moves and she's out of breath, she sweating but she's doing it.

So I pulled myself from my current online game craze and did 2 sets of tabata/HIIT style workouts. I Incorporated some of the moves Sarah mentions in this video and this online Tabata Timer.

I was so energized afterwards I unloaded the dishwasher and started breakfast before the kids asked for food. In this house that is sadly rare. Here's to a great March and fit pregnancy ;)
